Liberty Village Solution Requires Coexistence with Coyotes
James Beaton James Beaton

Liberty Village Solution Requires Coexistence with Coyotes

Coexistence is a mindset—one that means adapting our own actions to acknowledge that we are not the only species living here. It requires empathy toward those who do not speak our language or follow our laws. It demands that we learn about and respect the species around us in our more-than-human city.

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Who would the coyote vote for?
James Beaton James Beaton

Who would the coyote vote for?

Who would our wild neighbours vote for if they had the opportunity in the upcoming Ontario election? They want many of the same things we do: freedom from persecution, the ability to live in safe, clean environments, and the opportunity to raise their families in peace. If animals could vote, they certainly wouldn’t support what’s happening now.

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Off-Leash Dogs and Coyotes
James Beaton James Beaton

Off-Leash Dogs and Coyotes

As someone who spends a lot of time in parks, I witness my fair share of unfortunate incidents. One persistent problem I have observed for as long as I’ve been photographing wildlife is off-leash dogs running out of control.

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The Essential Coyote Neighbour
James Beaton James Beaton

The Essential Coyote Neighbour

When I encounter a coyote neighbor, it brightens my day. I feel fortunate to catch a glimpse of these elusive canids and to know they are out there in the fields, ravines, and forests, living their lives.

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Rodenticide and Owl Poisoning
James Beaton James Beaton

Rodenticide and Owl Poisoning

In early 2022 an succumbed to rodenticide poisoning, leaving her longtime mate to mourn for months—hooting all day until his voice cracked.

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Writing to come soon
James Beaton James Beaton

Writing to come soon

Look here for future writing on nature, photography and cats. In the meantime please enjoy this photo of a Black and White warbler.

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